Sign the Petition to make August Freedom Month because August marks our enslavement and emancipation.
August is the perfect month to celebrate our global accomplishments and acknowledge historical events such as:
August 20, 1619: The first slave ship docked in Hampton, Virginia.
August 1, 1833: The British House of Commons raised and passed The Slavery Abolition Act abolishing slavery. August 1, 1834: The Slavery Abolition Act was made official law and extended to the British colonies.
August 1, 2019: Toronto Mayor, John Tory, proclaimed the entire month of August as “Emancipation Month.”
Do you know that there are many more major political events that took place in August some of which influenced the decision for the United States of America to abolish slavery?
Also, it is important to note that most of these events had global ramifications affecting places such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and many other countries. Click here for a list of events.