By Tianna Allen.
Remember the 400 would like to acknowledge that on August 1, 2020, Toronto Mayor John Tory proclaimed the month of August as “Emancipation Month” in the City of Toronto. As this is a momentous step towards the mission of Remember the 400, this month allows for the recognition of the trials and tribulations that were experienced right here in Canada by the children of slavery.
This month not only celebrates our victories and irrefutable contributions made by those who identify as the descendants of the children of slavery, but it also serves as a reminder that our fight for freedom and equality has only just begun. Remnants of Canada’s discriminatory past still lingers within our society and institutions but the acknowledgment of August as Emancipation Month in Toronto aids in the process of making amends for Canada’s reprehensible role in the enslavement of the children of slavery.
As the City of Toronto continues to progress towards racial equality, it is Remember the 400’s vision to see all of Canada, the U.S, and the U.K acknowledge the month of August as a symbol of the continuous fight for freedom by the descendants of the children of slavery.
